Activities :
Islands Hopping: We take
you on a local boat to these beautiful islands for snorkelling, sunbathing and swimming. You can also visit the sea gypsies
and seaweed farm. Enjoy the sunset on your way back to Semporna.
Canoeing: Mabul-canoes are available
for you to explore the island at any time.
Sailing: Sail in a local sailboat
around the island and beyond.
Snorkelling: Available at
all the islands.
Diving: We have diving trips to
Sipadan, Mabul and Kapalai.
Price per person:
Snorkelling: Diving:
Day Trip - RM160 Day Trip - RM300
2D/1N - RM300 2D/1N - RM540
3D/2N - RM380 3D/2N
- RM750
additional day - RM50
additional day - RM150
Rates include equipment, boat transfer to
Sipadan, all meals and accommodation at the island, 2 boat dives Sipadan and 1 boat
dive Mabul/Kapalai islands per day.
Islands hopping: (Sibuan,
Mahiga, Pompom)
Day Trip: RM250