On the east coast of Sabah, the scenic town of Semporna is home to
Bajau people. The offshore islands are renowned for their white sandy beaches, beautiful corals and marine life. Sipadan,
rated one of the best diving spot in the world is only an hour speedboat ride from Semporna.
Mabul Island
" Mabul Island is arguably one of the richest single destination for exotic small
marine life anywhere in the world. Open any book on tropical fish and invertebrate marine life and you'll see practically
everything you're going to see in Mabul."
..... Sporting Magazine
Mabul Island is an estimated 15/20 minutes boat ride from Sipadan. Dozen of Nudibranchs,
Crocodile Fish, Frogfish, Giant Groupers, Scorpion Fish, Sea Horses, Green Turtles, Hawksbill Turtles, Hammerhead Sharks,
Pipe Fish, Snake Eels, Sea Moths, Sea Urchins, Puffer Fish, Lion Fish, Oriental Sea Robin are to be seen.